Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I don't like Mondays, part II

because today was a public holiday and i have to work tomorrow, because a certain boy who makes my stomach drop is flying over utah in a plane bound back to new york as i type, because the united states is engaging in "psychological warfare" with iran, because i thought authentic psychological warfare existed in the restrooms of junior high girls, because i would rather have a junior high student making decisions about psychological warfare than the individual who is currently waging war with my mood swings and sensibilities, because i am listening to the magnetic fields and tomorrow i will listen to the whir of printers and bureaucracy from my miserable desk, because people are not meant to spend their lives in cubicles, because i feel stagnated, because even my stagnation is stagnated by my anal sense of responsibility, because i know procrastination will be unavoidable this week, because my mind is racing and i have to go to bed now even though san francisco smells of fresh rain and I would rather wile away the night pining and listening to mix tapes and drinking maker's mark and chain-smoking and gluing things onto other things and reading sometimes a great notion while watching the lights slowly dim into morning fog, but instead i will settle into bed because these are the things that we do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good stuff here. Surfing for handbags sites, actually. Take care.