Friday, April 29, 2005

Frankly, Mr. Skankly

Celebrities that resemble diseases:

1) Stephen Tyler- herpes
2) The Olsen Twins- anorexia
3) Demi Moore- lockjaw
4) Nick Nolte- shingles
5) Sandra Bullock- gout

I think I overdosed on the Smiths last night while cleaning my room*, and though it's nearly the end of the workday, I'm still trying to snap out of the haze by absurd measures such as comparing celebrities to diseases. I will accept any alternate theories regarding these stars, however, I will not accept arguments against the claim that Stephen Tyler is human VD in some form or another.

*Cleaning my room: (klēning mĩ rōōm)/ 1) to rifle through one's grade school diaries, boxes of thrift store clothing and records while dancing to Madonna and making outfits under the pretense of organizing said possessions 2) making a bigger mess than you started with before "cleaning" room


DG said...

Girrrrl, you seriously crack me up. What a great idea, comparing celebreties to diseases.

Here are a couple more:
Britney Spears - dysplasia
Ann Coulter - Toenail Fungus
Jack Nicholson - prolapsing of the anus

JSN KWD said...

steven cojocaru is *definitely* leprosy.

chiacchiere said...

you are all right.


tony blair: rosacea
ben stiller: tapeworms
bill o'reilly: rabies

KelBel said...

Holy shit that's funny! Damn, I can't even think of any! Those are great!

LombaireFan said...

I think Angelina Jolie looks like some kind of flesh-eating disease that hasn't been discovered yet - "Angebola" perhaps?

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Anonymous said...

I have a Toenail fungus photos site with a forum. It pretty much covers toenail fungus and cures and related stuff.

Thanks to all for the great ideas and comments.

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