As I am pretty sure that that image didn't take, it's a publicity shot from the show Small Wonder, which is probably the best show ever and one of the strongest arguments for the cultural benefits of long term drug use. Who else could so brilliantly and nonsensically realize the powers of a sassy pre-teen robot into a lighthearted family drama?
A mile and a half on a bus takes a long time, but it takes even longer to figure out if you're insane, or if the upload image blogger function is permanently fucked for you, and you alone. Or maybe I'm just a mor-an.
wasn't billy corgan the little boy in small wonder?
I've harbored the billy corgan theory, although i've also had moments when I've thought he was the little brother from sixteen candles.
of course, i don't google it because i would not like to see either of the above theories destroyed by discovering otherwise.
nobody knows about small wonder over here. i still always make my joke wherein i pretend to plug things into my armpit like vicki did, and well, i guess its still funny but not in the intended way.
i am happy to hear someone else talking about small wonder for once.
its kind of the opposite of "real doll", the musical yet to be made, in which you have a person pretending to be a mail order robot.
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