If you listen to Pizzicato 5's "Good" while staring at this photo, you will indeed feel as if there are about 500 kittens doing cartwheels inside your head.
Which to me is calming, as I'm feeling very Absolutely Fabulous today. In addition to making me want to drink several Stoli Bolis, my imagined AbFabulousness is truly convincing me that I have the right to a car service and a huge puff of blonde hair could easily combust with a flick of a fag.
Instead, I'm doing research on pay scales for returning veterans, which has been interrupted by a sucker email that almost made me believe that my lifelong dream of being an Italian restaurant lounge singer could be realized by forwarding an email from the Dhali Lama about a deaf kid in Burkina Faso to my entire address book.
Right. Back to the kitten circus.
I've always been more partial to Shonen Knife myself... just as happy but with irony.
I'm big on irony lately...
I think it's the nervous energy and anticipation of the entire Bush administration being indicted for lying to the whole country to start a war on false pretensions. And the irony is that these larger prosecutions for such unbelievable crimes are coming about because of the subsequential outing of an intelligence operative during the process, in order to silence criticism.
truly this is the "waterworld" of comment spam.
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